Underwood Model 5 Typewriter Guide

Underwood Number 5 Video Tutorial

Miss Lemon from Poirot doing her thing on a similar machine.

 These beautiful machines were made from the early twentieth century into the 1930’s. They are a robust desktop. A few legends use something similar (like Henry Miller, for instance!)

Here is the manual for the Number 5. Underwood Models 3, 4, and 5 were made from late 1900 until late 1931 or early 1932. They are all eerily similar.

You can get that notepaper we typed the note on here for a refined tactile air.

This machine takes standard ribbons, which you can get from us here. As long as you don’t jostle it around too much, it should last 246 years, at least.

Also shipping these is an art form, so try not to do it again if you can avoid it. That’s where most of them go to die, sadly.

Write on,

Steven Budden Jr.
The Classic Typewriter Company.