Buy a Working Typewriter with Interest Free Payments.

The Greatest Typewriters in the world.

It's an interesting niche, typewriters. For one thing, there is the lure of the digital.

Most people are endlessly screen engaged. It is almost as though the human hand will evolve into a screened device. Looking around, doesn't it seem that way, sometimes?

Moreover, the human mind is partially human, however, most people, at the incipient thought, look something up on 'google'. So they're relying on google so much that they don't take the time to recline in the vast vistas of the imagination.

I mean, even wondering for a moment at the sky's blue. Or that sultry flash of an inner thigh at sundown. Or the anatomy of a spring bloom. 

Now, I'm not one to wax melodramatic, however, a typewriter can free you from some of this.

I call it a vacation from digital ennui. And it takes practice.

Typewriters in the Digital Era

I was fortunate in that I was cast into the fire, so to speak, when my power went out for a bit in Cazadero, California (when I lived there) and I was forced to use my typewriter long enough to find the flow. And yes! The typewritten flow is a sacred thing.

However, I know there's resistance. The whole digital arena will try to grab you as soon as you take a breath. 

So, you're going into battle, really. Choose your weapon?

Of course, this is the battle to end all wars, because the weapon is the exalted mind, and the machine is the tool for the amplification and expression of the interior reality.

So is a typewriter a manifestation tool? I mean, is it more real to write out a manuscript than it is to pour pixelated pages into a digital file? It seems to be.

Anyway, enough for the moment. I'd succumbed to the lure of the digital.

Write on.

Steven Budden Jr.

PS. You can now pay for your working typewriter with afterpay. So seize the glory now, and shake off the material world for a while. No interest payments. Options at checkout.